If you'd like to get to know our artists better, check out their Instagrams linked bellow.

Skyler Payne
Tattooing since 2001, Skyler grew up in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Later in life Skyler accomplished his lifetime goal of becoming part of a hot dog connoisseur club.
This accomplishment has only been topped by smoking weed with Vanilla Ice.
He enjoys cheese and tacos of any variety.

Lindley Weaver
Tattooing since 2017, Lindley is from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
She began her philanthropic work at an early age by braiding hemp bracelets for the Tiger King.
As the shortest member of an elite jumping club, she has had to overcome many obstacles.
If she had to guess, she would be correct.
Rev. Slim Bishop
Tattooing since 2016, Slim is from Florida.
A level 5 vegan, he doesn't eat anything that casts a shadow.
Slim is well known for his alligator wrestling skills and his pocket-mulching abilities.
He holds the Guinnes world record for being the only person born with a gold tooth.

Levi King
Levi has exclusively eaten a diet of spaghetti & meatballs for the past 4 years.
Born under a blood moon at exactly 3:33 in the morning & a rising sun, which is a first for humanity.
They once rode a duck, but it wasn't on purpose.
At one point in their life they befriended a pack of coyotes & trained wasps to do their bidding **sting**.